In the era of digitalization and connectivity, cybersecurity for ships is becoming increasingly important. Ships today are equipped with advanced Starlink-Vsat systems that are critical to the safe and efficient operation of the vessel, including navigation systems, communications technologies and operational control systems. Securing these systems and associated documents against external threats is vital to ensure the integrity, security and operational continuity of the ship.

Why Cybersecurity for Maritime?

Ships are vulnerable to cyber attacks for several reasons. First, they are often long-term connected to external networks, making them potentially accessible to malicious actors around the world. Secondly, modern ships contain a wide range of digital systems that are susceptible to hacking, such as GPS systems, radar equipment, engine management software and communications networks. A cyber attack on a ship can not only lead to operational disruptions, but also to serious safety risks for the crew and the environment.



Maritime cybersecurity is crucial due to the increasing threat of cyber attacks on ships and maritime infrastructure. Ships are vulnerable to a wide range of digital threats, including malware, ransomware and phishing attacks. A successful cyber attack can lead not only to operational disruptions and financial losses, but also to serious security risks for the crew and the environment.

Creating awareness among the crew about the risks of cyber attacks and providing training in cybersecurity protocols and best practices.

Het scheiden van netwerken aan boord om de impact van een mogelijke cyberaanval te beperken en de verspreiding van malware te voorkomen.

Implementing two-factor authentication systems to protect access to systems and data from unauthorized users.

Regularly updating software and firmware with the latest patches and updates to address known vulnerabilities.

Encrypting sensitive data to prevent it from being intercepted or manipulated by unauthorized parties.

Implementing strict control over who has access to which onboard systems to prevent unauthorized access.

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Evo2 Router

Multi-WAN Network Management


MikroTik Certified Network Associate

CommBox Edge Gateway

A Powerful Tool for Any Vessel, Any System


The Synergy of Starlink and Peplink